Putting work before your family and free time again?
The pressure to perform in business can sometimes leave you feeling pulled in opposite directions. You're longing for more time with your children, partner and friends and to have more time to yourself but feel your team doesn't perform so well when you're not there. What's happening to your work/life balance?
Are absence rates painting a poor picture of your business?
High absence rates mean you’re juggling resources to meet the business needs, resulting in lower staff engagement and reduced performance. 1 in 3 people will experience a mental health condition every year, but only 5% of these will record this as the reason for their absence.

of adults suffer with low self-esteem
of adults report feeling stressed or unable to cope
of people experience a mental health condition every year
70% of people with mental health issues don't seek the help they need

A holistic wellbeing strategy is vital.
If you’ve noticed, there are staff issues, why hasn't everyone else!
Staff performance can be a real headache, especially if your team lacks motivation and engagement. Low resilience and increased stress, often triggered outside the workplace, can mean you spend time supporting your team emotionally when you need to focus on your workload.
Maybe you need to find someone that can help!
A company that understands what you face every day and the emotions that come with those challenges. A company whose people have years of corporate experience and have probably dealt with similar challenges themselves, a company that can help you make a positive change.
But right now, you probably don’t know which way to turn!
You may be too busy ‘in’ the business to consider what options are available, but you’re also aware of staff issues ’bubbling up’. Maybe you’ve recognised something needs to change, but you find mental health and resilience a minefield, and you’re unsure which way to turn?
Online training and support might help, but the ‘one size fits all faceless approach’ doesn’t cut it when working with real people with real emotions and experiences.
Trained to recognise the signs of poor mental health and provide initial support.
Confident and competent in resilience and mental health.
Annual stress risk assessments which empower the team.
Resilience building/stress management workshops and One to One Support.
Trained to recognise the signs of poor mental health and provide initial support.
Confident and competent in resilience and mental health.
Annual stress risk assessments which empower the team.
Resilience building/stress management workshops and One to One Support.
You need to feel fully supported through your business transformation!
We empower you through training, coaching and support. We give you the confidence to deliver the transformation you need. Stepping into your company's shoes to understand the issues you and your team face every day while working as part of your business, so you're free to deliver your company vision.
Because with the proper support, you can increase staff engagement by up to 40% and bring your absences down by 25%. After all, the results speak for themselves. With some help and support from NO TIME LIKE NOW®, your boss will be singing your praises. But if you do nothing, you'll probably get the same results you always have.

Let's face it, you've worked hard; you deserve to get this right!
Now you can enjoy time with your family and friends and time away from work, knowing that you have a resilient team of engaged, motivated staff behind you. A team who shares your vision for success, giving you the time to take that well-earned holiday knowing they can manage the business while you're away.
So go on, relax and put your feet up. You've earned it because you know there's no time like now to make a positive change.